2. 履历表
3. 照片
每位申请人五张 2 寸照片,即是包括主申请人,配偶,孩子。相片格式为 5.5 公分 x3.5 公分的蓝底相片。
4. 护照影印本(全家)
5. 无犯罪公证
6. 结婚证明
7. 子女出生证明公证
21 岁以下的孩子出生医学证明公证(如有孩子一同申请)。把出生医学证明原件拿去公证处,办理复印件与原件相符的公证事项。需要申请人到公证处办理公证及翻译。(出生医学证明原件务必到公证处去公证与翻译)
8. 资产证明
定期存款需要开出 6 个月的存款证明,可以提供複印件,複印件需要有銀行公章。(定期存款直接在中国的任何一家银行定存人民币 100 万或以上,6 个月,然后让银行列印该“个人存款证明”。建议您把定存集中在同一家银行)。50 岁以上只须定存人民币 80 万以上。
10. 薪金單
本公司將給予样本作為参考,请让您在职的公司开出近 3 個月的薪金單,需要有公司抬头,电话,地址,座机号,公司章,負責人签名。此工资单显示申请人每月的工资明细,工资数目必须与最新 3 个月流水对应上。(每个月收入人民币 20000 以上,最好是人民币 22000 以上)
11. 与薪金單对照的三个月銀行流水单
作为与薪金單對照的銀行流水单,请向銀行开出三个月的流水单並盖上銀行的公章,流水单上的记录必须與薪金单上的数额与日期相符。(所谓银行流水单就是,您工资入账的那个银行户口,您到银行要求说要打印流水单,比如您提交的工资单是 5 月 6 月 7 月,您就要求银行列印这三个月的银行流水单。请确认该流水单是必须有薪金单那笔款项的入账,工资证明的银行流水需公证翻译)
12. 银行存款查帐授权信
1. Letter of Application (by the applicant)
a. Include information on personal background, intention to join the MM2H Programme, if joining as a single or with family and briefly explain how applicant will support his/her stay in
Malaysia (financial capabilities)
2. A copy of resume by the main applicant which includes the following information:
a. Academic qualification
b. Working experience
c. Skills or expertise acquired
3. Five (5) coloured passport sized photographs (3.5 x 5.0 cm) – blue background
4. Copy of Passport
a. Photocopy of passport (all pages including the empty pages)
5. Original Letter of Good Conduct from main applicant’s relevant government agency (Police clearance certificate)
6. Certified copy of Marriage Certificate (if accompanied by spouse)
7. Certified copy of Birth Certificate/ legal documents (if accompanied by children/ Adopted children/ stepchildren/ parents);
a. Letter of Confirmation from Medical Specialist/ General Practitioner (if accompanied by children aged 21 years and above with disabilities).
b. Statutory Declaration by main applicant to bear all expenses and financial requirements during stay in Malaysia for dependents.
c. Legal custody documents (for sole custody) and letter of authorization from other parent (for divorced parents accompanied by children)
8. Certified Copy(s) of latest 3 months bank statement/ other related financial document(s) to indicate the financial capability to support stay in Malaysia; Latest closing balance must be:
a. MYR 350,000.00 (for aged above 50)
b. MYR 500,000.00 (for aged below 50)
9. Certified copies of latest 3 months payslip/ income statement (if employed/pension slip)
a. The MM2H Centre would like to inform that effective 12 July 2012, all MM2H applications must submit bank account statements that shows the latest 3 months deposit for monthly income (either from salary/ rental/ interest earned/ shares) or government pensions into the applicant’s bank accounts or Income Tax Filing/Return to justified the income.
10. Financial & Job Verification Authorization Letter; to verify the financial documents with the relevant financial documents.
a. a. All copies must be certified TRUE COPIES OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS by NOTARY PUBLIC.
b. b. Where original documents are not in ENGLISH must be translated by qualified translator and must be CERTIFIED.
c. Dependent(s) refer to:
1. Spouse.
2. Children aged below 21 years / maximum 6 months before reaching 21 years old (at time of application) and not married.